THE SCHOOLS Fine Arts Academy, Northeast Normal University 东北师范大学 美术学院 The Fine Arts Academy of North-East Normal University is directly under the Ministry of Education and is considered a part of China’s ‘211 Project.’ Built by the government in 1946, this first comprehensive university in the Northeast region has developed a state-of-the-art curriculum and amassed a group of esteemed professors and educational staff.东北师范大学是教育部直属高校,国家“211工程”重点建设大学。建校于1946年,是中国共产党在东北地区创建的第一所综合性大学。经过多 年的建设和发展,在国内已具有较高的学术地位。系中国学院奖高校常务理事单位,中国动画学会会员单位,吉林省动漫游戏协会理事单位。 School of Animation and Digital Arts, Communication University of China 中国传媒大学 动画与数字艺术学院 The school of Animation and Digital Arts at the Communication University of China was founded in April of 2001. It is one of the first universities in China to offer their students an education in animation, digital media arts, game design, and network media.The Communication University of China’s profound influence domestically and abroad, combined with the Animation School’s interdisciplinary curriculum, has become a force that ably intertwines science with art. 国家动画教学研究基地——中国传媒大学动画学院成立于 2001年4月,是我国最早一批从事动画、数字媒体艺术、游戏设计及网络多媒体教学科研的院校。依托于中国传媒大学深厚的国内外影响力和广播电视艺术学与 计算机科学的综合性学科背景,动画学院在动画、数字媒体艺术、游戏设计及网络多媒体教学科研方面现已形成跨学科、跨媒体、科学与艺术相融合的整体特色与优 势。 Academy of Art Design, Dalian Polytechnic University 大连工业大学 艺术设计学院 The Academy of Art Design at the Dalian Polytechnic University was established in 1985. Collectively, the faculty at Dalian has published papers in over 400 journals, produced 850 works of art, and released 45 books. Nearly 70 professors are involved in professional societies, with many serving in leadership roles. The college actively conducts exchanges with domestic and foreign counterparts, inviting in renowned scholars from China and abroad. The Dalian University has worked with and maintains friendly relations with more than 10 foreign institutions. 大 连工业大学艺术设计学院创建于1985年。学院教师已在国内外专业刊物上发表论文400多篇,作品850余幅,出版著作45部。学院积极组织师生参加各级 各类专业赛事,并有近70名教师担任各种专业学会、协会领导职务和高层次专业赛事的评委,学院曾多次举办各种设计大赛,赢得了广泛赞誉。学院积极开展与国 内外同行的交流与合作,近年邀请国内外知名学者、专家开设讲座百余次;先后与十余所国外院校建立了友好校际交流关系。 China Academy of Art, School of Media and Animation 中国美术学院 传媒动画学院 The China Academy of Fine Art is an internationally reputed institution of higher learning. Within the Chinese arts education sector, they are considered a model institution and a pioneering force. The Animation Department first opened in 2002, serving as the main discipline within the school. In December of 2004, the School of Media and Animation was officiated and the Film Studies Department was incorporated into the school. The school was recognized by the State Ministry of Broadcast and TV as one of the few Teaching and Research Bases in Animation the same year. 中国美术学院是国际上具有雄厚造型实力的一所专业高等院校,在中国美术教育界具有代表性、先导性和示范性。中国美术学院的动画专 业开设于2002年,为省级重点学科。2004年12月在原动画专业的基础上成立中国美术学院传媒动画学院。2004年电影学被列为浙江省高等学校第五批 重点学科。2004年被国家广电总局授予国家动画教学研究基地。 SUPINFOCOM – Valenciennes and Arles SUPINFOCOM – 瓦朗谢纳和阿而勒分校 SUPINFOCOM was found more than twenty years ago. With their innovative designs and pioneering spirit, they have managed to set themselves apart in the field of digital arts education. Their animated short films transcend international barriers and are often exhibited in major film festivals across the globe. The school is widely recognized and highly respected in the animation industry. Year after year, they produce top-quality professionals who make positive contributions to the field. The school’s education system focuses on content, creating a space that nurtures creativity by providing students with an artistic foundation and a pedagogical approach that fosters curiosity. 创校二十余年以来,SUPINFOCOM以它 的先驱精神和独创风格在数字艺术教育领域独树一帜。他们的动画短片作品穿越国界在世界各大电影节参展上映。该校如今享有动画业界的好评和肯定,并连年向业 内培养输送高质量的专业人才。凭借其丰厚殷实的绘画艺术文化基底和提倡观察发掘世界的教育理念,该校的教育体系注重内涵,并为图像艺术创作本身预留重要空 间。 LES GOBELINS Paris 巴黎 An early player in the animation world, the curriculum at Gobelins enjoys an enduring international reputation. Highly adaptable in the ever-evolving business of animation, the university elevates the animator’s skillset, making them competitive in a world where they are expected to handle all forms of animation techniques. The students at Gobelins are often recognized for their high quality of work. Every year, student animated short films are awarded at reputed international festivals. 作为动画电影的先驱者,GOBELINS的课程体系在世界范围内享有盛誉:紧跟业界的最新发展动向,提高设计者在各种动画制作领域的能力素养。GOBELINS学生的创作作品经常受到业界的认可和嘉奖。他们的动画短片连年在各种著名的国际电影节中获奖。 ÉMILE-COHL Lyon 里昂 Lyon’s Émile-Cohl, a State-recognized private arts institution of higher learning, devotes itself to four specific areas: graphic design, multimedia, illustration, comics, and animation drawing. Founded in 1984 by Philippe Rivière with the help of Roland Andrieu, the school is widely recognized within the industry. Courses are taught by leading industry experts who are eager to pass their knowledge and expertise onto young talents. 里昂的ÉMILE-COHL是一所法国国家认证的高等艺术教育私立学校。学生从入校第一年起就开始 接受四个方面的专业培养:多媒体计算机图形、插画、漫画和动画片。该校1984年由Philippe Rivière先生在Roland Andrieu先生的协助下创办,现今已是一所获得业界普遍认可的教育机构。课程教学由资深动画业内专业人士提供,他们将自己专业经验和天赋才干传承于新 人的强烈愿望铸就了ÉMILE-COHL的教学第一王牌。 Panam Anim, the festival of the animation schools.